The innovative Micro Nasal Osteotome from BusinessMed Instruments has a rounded guard that is helpful for rhinoplasty surgeries. Overall, comes in three sizes, with an overall length of 18cm, and width of 2.2mm, 3.3mm, and 4mm are the available sizes; select the one that best suits your surgical requirements. BusinessMeds offers a lifetime money-back guarantee for the Osteotome, which has a gold-plated handle that provides a firm grip.
Micro Nasal Osteotome (Rounded Guard)
(Free Shipping above 250$)BusinessMed Instruments offers the curved guarded osteotome Ristow in lengths of “18 cm” and widths of 2.2, 3.3, and 4 mm. German stainless steel of the highest quality. BusinessMeds offers a lifetime money-back guarantee for the Osteotome, which has a gold-plated handle that provides a firm grip
The surgeon may also position their hand far enough away from the tapping of the mallet because to the handle’s length. The guard is there to shield surrounding tissue from harm. Depending on the surgical necessity, the Ristow Osteotomes can be purchased with the guard on the left or right. Purchase today!
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