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Mallets and Cartilage Instruments

BusinessMed Instruments is a company focused on supplying the highest quality medical equipment and instruments. All of us at Business-Med Instruments are very aware of the importance of responsibility that our business entails. Our ever-expanding diet base and the well-being of their patients is our highest value. We firmly believe that only a comprehensive and committed approach to the production process and a high regard for the satisfaction of our customers are sufficient values ​​to maintain the highest quality of business in this industry.

Great Selection of Bone and Cartilage Crushers

BusinessMed Instruments offers an excellent selection of cartilage crushers in its comprehensive catalog of high quality medical instruments. These instruments are the perfect choice for surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty because of their excellent performance in cutting cartilage tissue precisely. Osseous cartilage can be found in various areas of the body such as long bones, joints, ears, nose, intervertebral discs and others. BusinessMed Instruments Cartilage Cutters can be used in a variety of procedures that require precise and efficient manipulation and cutting of cartilage tissue.

Premium offer of bone mallets

BusinessMed Instruments offers an excellent selection of different bone mallets. These are highly durable and precise orthopedic instruments, such as osteotomy mallets, used to cut and reshape bone tissue during procedures such as trochanteric osteotomy and excisional arthroplasty. Orthopedic mallets are also part of the comprehensive BusinessMed Instruments offer. For orthopedic procedures that require the use of force to manipulate, cut or scrape bone, these orthopedic mallets are the number one choice. They are very strong, durable and allow precise and efficient application. BusinessMed Instruments' selection of high-quality bone crushers are the perfect alternative to bone mallets for orthopedic procedures that require the use of crushed bone and bone fragments. All of the BusinessMed Instruments orthopedic instruments found in this premium range are manufactured using cutting-edge technology and the highest quality materials. They are made to last a long time and resist deformation even when using great force and when operating on hard bone tissue. These instruments are reusable and can be completely sterilized. They are made for a lifetime of wear-free, stain-free use with extremely satisfying performance and results.

Mallets & Cartilage Instruments

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